Sea Fish Garum Used to Reduce Anxiety & Stress
Uses for Garum Armoricum
Bluefish swim in waters that are as deep as 1500 feet. The fish have a reduced need for oxygen in their specific metabolism, and they also have a body chemistry ideal for stressful and/or pressurized environmental conditions. The latter physical attributes of the bluefish are believed to empower garum armoricum with its anxiety and stress-reducing properties. An extract made from the belly and/or the brain of the bluefish can be consumed as a supplement.
Garum armoricum was tested by Yalacta Laboratories in France in 1978 and later studied by Dr. Thomas Dorman from California Polytechnic State University in 1985 and found effective in reducing stress levels before significantly stressful events. It also has been found to augment one's memory, to eliminate fatigue and to improve cognitive processes. Garum armoricum has a high level of small peptides which are capable of affecting the human brain, and the brain responds in appropriate ways to physio-pathological stressors.
Garum Armoricum Peptides
When you consume garum armoricum as a supplement, the peptides help your brain to perceive as less stressful those social situations and environmental conditions that would normally induce significant levels of stress and/or anxiety. Thus stressful or anxiety producing situations are easier to manage. Garum armoricum also increases endorphins, which work as a natural opiate that calms the individual.
Garum Armoricum and Brain Waves
In a Japanese study conducted by Shigeio Haruyama at the Hospital Denentoshi, garum armoricum was shown to have the ability to affect brain wave patterns if taken for more than ninety days. Beta brain waves, associated with thought activity and intellectual processes, are also associated with anxiety and/or stress responses. Alpha brainwaves are linked to meditative and relaxed conditions. When garum armoricum is consumed, the extract increases the presence of alpha waves. Furthermore, garum armoricum has been found to reduce depression, to elevate mood, to augment energy reserves, to diminish sleep disorders and/or disturbances and to reduce muscular fatigue.
Consumption of Garum Armoricum
Garum armoricum can be taken daily for fifteen days in a dosage of two 210 mg capsules, four times a day, for stress and anxiety reduction. When the capsules are consumed with eight ounces of water on an empty stomach, digestion and absorption are faster. After the first fifteen days, the use of garum armoricum can be continued at a dosage of two to three 210 mg capsules every other day. There are no known side effects associated with the use of this extract.