What Are Some Safe & Natural Appetite Suppressants?
Garcinia Cambogia
Garcinia cambogia is an exotic fruit native to India and Southeast Asia. The rind of the fruit contains hydroxycitric acid. This fills glycogen stores in the body to reduce the feeling of hunger. As an added benefit, hydroxycitric acid can boost energy levels. A typical dose is 500 mg twice daily.
Guarana is a stimulant obtained from the dried seeds of the Paullinia cupana plant, native to South America, particularly Brazil. Often used in South America to flavor sodas and give them a "kick," guarana also has appetite-suppressing properties. It contains caffeine, theobromine and theophylline, all of which speed up metabolism and curb hunger. You should use guarana cautiously, because caffeine can cause irregular heartbeat, insomnia and nervousness. Don't mix guarana with other stimulants, like soda or ephedra. A typical dose is 1,200 mg per day, though many people find half that effective.
Hoodia likely works to suppress hunger because of one particular molecule, called P57. The British pharmaceutical company, Phytopharm, has obtained a patent on P57 in an attempt to isolate and reproduce it into a drug they can sell via prescription. P57 works in a manner similar to glucose. It makes your brain think you are full, reduces interest in food and allows a longer period of time to lapse between meals. There are no known side effects associated with Hoodia, but consult with a doctor before taking it if you have diabetes, high blood pressure or anorexia, take a blood thinner or are pregnant or nursing
Dandelion has fat-metabolizing properties. It can curb hunger pangs, especially when ingested as a tea, because the liquid content helps fill the stomach. Dandelion is rich in protein, fatty acids, inulin, iron, calcium, magnesium, chromium and the vitamins A, B, C and E. It is especially helpful for diabetics to lose weight.
Green Tea
Green tea aids in weight loss and appetite suppression. The specific component that makes it work is epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG). Scientists at the University of Chicago's Tang Center for Herbal Medicine Research discovered that rats injected with EGCG lost weight more rapidly and ate fewer times per day than rats denied EGCG. Green tea is available in a capsule or can be enjoyed as a beverage. Do not heat the water for green tea above 190 degrees, because higher temperatures destroy EGCG.