Natural Remedies for a Sinus Infection
Herbal Treatments
Anise tea has powerful essential oils which help break up congestion. Take 1 cup three times daily. Bromelain tablets relieve congestion and extend the effects of prescription antibiotics by slowing down the rate they metabolize and pass through the urine. Take 500 mg three times daily between meals. People allergic to pineapple may experience a rash when using bromelain. Discontinue use if this occurs. Cat's claw builds up immunity against bacterial infections and relieves inflammation. Take 1,000 mg twice a day. Do not use cat's claw if you are pregnant or nursing. Elderberry breaks up mucus. Take as directed on the label. Horehound tea produces secretion of fluids to carry away congestion. Drink 1 cup one to two times a day. Osha tincture is a strong antibacterial. Take 10 to 15 drops in ¼ cup of water three times a day. Thyme tea alleviates congestion. Drink 1 cup up to four times a day.
Other Suggestions
Steam inhalations of eucalyptus oil will break up congestion. Add 5 to 10 drops of oil to hot water, drape a towel over your face and the mixture and inhale the steam. Drink plenty of fluids to break up mucus and assist with drainage. Place hot wet cloths over the face several times a day to open up nasal passages. Use as much heat as you can tolerate for about 10 minutes at a time. Nasal douching will clean out the nasal passages and help flush out bacteria. Make a solution of ¼ teaspoon of salt in a cup of warm water. Cup the hand, pour the solution into it and inhale into one nostril while holding the other closed. A neti pot can also be used. This is a ceramic container with a curved spout. They are available in supermarkets, health food stores and online. It is also beneficial to reduce salt and sugar intake. There are anecdotal reports that acupuncture may be helpful, but this treatment has not been extensively studied.