Hypocalcemia Prevention
Eat foods high in vitamin D. Consuming foods high in vitamin D can prevent hypolcalcemia by increasing the absorption of calcium in your gastrointestinal system. Foods rich in vitamin D include tofu, almonds, milk, oats and cabbage. Eat these foods every day.
Eat plenty of ginger. Blood clotting abnormalities can cause hypocalcemia. Eating ginger will prevent blood clots. Add ginger to your food dishes on a daily basis. You can also eat ginger candy which can give you the same benefit.
Avoid drinking alcohol. Alcohol can deplete the magnesium stores in your body. Magnesium deficiency can lead to hypocalcemia. Drink healthy fluids such as juices and mineral water instead.
Take calcium capsules. Oral calcium supplements can balance the calcium levels in your blood preventing hypolcalcemia. The recommended dosage is one 1000 mg capsule once daily.
Do yoga breathing exercises to help prevent emotional problems. Emotional distress such as anxiety can cause hypocalcemia. When you are constantly experiencing anxiety, you tend to breathe rapidly causing abnormal fluctuations in blood Ph levels thereby decreasing your blood calcium concentration. See link below for a You Tube video on yoga.