Home Remedy for Vomiting
Herbal Teas
There are herbal teas that are very good for treating vomiting. Agrimony tea contains astringent substances that reduce the amount of fluids in the esophagus, which can help prevent vomiting. Use 1 ½ teaspoon of the loose herb in 1 cup of water and drink up to three times daily. Fennel seed tea relaxes the muscles of the digestive tract and helps stop vomiting as well as alleviating any pain, indigestion or acid regurgitation that may occur with it. Drink 1 cup up to three times daily in tea bag form. Do not use fennel seed if you have an estrogen-sensitive disorder such as breast cancer, endometriosis or fibrocystic breasts. Ginger tea stops vomiting and nausea. Drink 1 cup up to five times a day in tea bag form.
Herbal Supplements
There are two tinctures that are also helpful. Codonopsis treats vomiting and diarrhea. This can only be used under professional supervision. Scutellaria is useful for vomiting which results from viral infections. It has substances that weaken the virus and can control accompanying vomiting. Take 1 to 1/ ½ teaspoons in ¼ cup of water up to three times daily. Do not use scutellaria if diarrhea is present. There is also a traditional Chinese formula which has a long history of use for vomiting. Five Ingredient Powder with Poria reduces fluids in the digestive track.