How to Do a Home Kidney Stone Cleanse
Consume fruits high in citrates. Citrates stop kidney stones from increasing in size while preventing calcium from accumulating in your kidneys. Fruits high in citrates include grapes, bananas, oranges and tomatoes.
Take kava-kava tablets. This herb is a calcium channel blocker which alleviates the spasms related to kidney stones while relaxing your urethra. The recommended dosage is one 120 mg tablet once daily.
Drink an olive oil and lemon juice concoction. The olive oil lubricates and soothes your urethral passages while the high acidity of the lemon juice breaks down the crystal aggregations, clearing your urethral passages of kidney stones. Drink this mixture once a day before going to bed. If stone pain is detected, mix 2 oz. olive oil with 2 oz. lemon juice,drink straight down and then drink a large glass of water. Stones should pass within 24 hours.
Drink apple cider vinegar. The high acidity of apple cider vinegar breaks up your kidney stones and allows them to easily pass from your body through your urine. Drink 5 tbsp. of apple cider vinegar daily, preferably 30 minutes before meals, diluted to your taste in water.
Drink a lot of water. Increasing your water consumption prevents new kidney stones from forming, while softening existing ones. Drink twelve full glasses of water a day to cleanse your urinary system of kidney stones.