Natural Cures for Nasal Allergies
Get Rid of Allergens
One of the best ways to start curing your nasal allergies is to begin ridding your home and surroundings of the allergens that are creating the reactions. Vacuum your home and car daily and change air filters often. You can even run a small air purifier in your office or workspace.
After coming in from the outdoors, be certain to shower and change clothing, and you might want to limit outdoor activities during high pollen seasons.
Saline Rinse
Many nasal allergy sufferers find relief using a saline rinse daily. To make your own, combine 1 teaspoon of baking soda and 3 tablespoons of non-iodized table salt and mix well. Then add 1 teaspoon of the mixture to 1 cup of warm water and, using a bulb syringe, irrigate and rinse the nasal passage to help cure allergies.
Nutrition and Exercise
Nutrition and exercise are vital to our bodies' well-being, as we are less likely to react to allergens if we are healthy. Eat properly and exercise daily, particularly during high pollen seasons. Your immune system will be stronger and you will be more resistant to nasal allergy problems.