A Natural Way to Stop Coughing
Beneficial Herbs
Suggested doses of herbs and pharmaceutical agents are determined by their therapeutic range. This refers to the range from the smallest dose that provides medicinal benefit to the largest dose safe for consumption. Herbs are generally nontoxic, and overdosing or serious complications are rare. However, taking more than the suggested amount is unlikely to produce additional benefit and may cause negative side effects. Dosages listed are for adult use; children under 6 should be given one-quarter the dose, and children 6 to 12 should be administered half the dose.
Coltsfoot tea relieves acute congestion and hoarseness. Take 1/2 cup two or three times daily.
Echinacea stops bacterial and viral infections that produce a cough. Take 2,000 mg every 3 hours until symptoms subside.
Fritillaria syrup stops sticky phlegm and chronic sore throat. Take as directed on the label. Avoid use if suffering from high blood pressure.
Lobelia relieves dry, hacking coughs. Take 500 to 1,000 mg three times a day for no longer than 2 weeks. Do not give to children under 12.
Marshmallow root alleviates dry hacking cough. Take 1 tsp. of extract in 1/4 cup water three times a day.
Peppermint suppresses the cough reflex. Use menthol lozenges once hourly. Those with gallbladder disorders should not use peppermint.
Slippery elm bark tea coats and soothes sore throats. Drink as desired.
Sundew lozenges stop coughing fits. Use one lozenge hourly.
Wild cherry bark syrup acts as an expectorant--something that expels mucus. Take the suggested dose two to three times daily for 3 days.
Other Suggestions
A chest rub of eucalyptus, peppermint, rosemary and sage oils can relieve cough and sore throat. Take five drops of each oil and mix with 3 tbsp. olive oil.
Eating 1 to 2 hours before bedtime can produce an acidic stomach, which can cause coughing and a sore throat in the morning.
Taking 1,000 mg vitamin C daily can soothe the bronchial passages when exposed to dust or other irritants. To help break up and move phlegm, take 400 mg vitamin E daily.