Relaxation Techniques to Bring on a Menstrual Cycle
Alkaline Bath Relaxation
In ancient times people went to natural mineral springs or baths to help with ailments such as arthritis and to assist with regulating bodily functions. Today the powers of hydrotherapy are still a recommended natural cure. recommends an alkaline bath to bring on a new menstrual cycle. Run a hot bath, as hot as you can stand it, and add sea salts and baking soda to the water (about 1 cup of each). The heat from the water soothes muscles and eases stress. Through the heat, blood flow is increased all through the body, including to the uterus, and can assist in bringing on a cycle. Be careful, because it can increase menstrual blood flow as well. For further relaxation, play soothing music or listen to nature sounds. The sound of running water is considered relaxing.
Meditation can bring on a sense of well-being. When you can draw inside yourself and meditate, some believe you can alter the behavior of your body. Find a quiet comfortable place, but do not lie down. Make sure it is not brightly lit, and settle into a comfortable position that you can maintain for at least 10 minutes. Close your eyes, try to relax your muscles and focus on your reproductive organs.
According to, meditation can put you "at ease and release stress and worries . . . your body enters a state of rejuvenation and healing. This state can assist women who suffer from hormonal imbalances, have luteal phase defect, have anovulatory cycles or are going through in vitro fertilization treatments."
Light Therapy
- recommends relaxation with orange light therapy to rejuvenate the reproductive organs. "Orange light is stimulating and revitalizing. Most of all, it brings joy and happiness. It is related to reproduction and creativity. Relaxation breathing allows you to draw orange light to you helping restore your vitality, enthusiasm, confidence, optimism, and inner strength." Orange lights can be purchased online at sites including If an orange light cannot be found, a 100-watt light bulb might help. states that, "In a study, a number of women who suffered from prolonged menstrual cycles were asked to sleep with a 100 watt light on for five nights near the middle of their extended cycles. The result were amazing. Their cycles became shorter. Scientists speculate that the light might be affecting the regulation of female sex hormones."