Natural Treatment for Alcohol Poisioning
Immediate Treatment: Hydration and Supervision
Flushing the alcohol out of the body is the most effective treatment for alcohol poisoning. Ensure that the person suffering from alcohol poisoning drinks large quantities of water and empties his bladder frequently. Not only will water help to rid the body of the alcohol, but it will also help rehydrate the body. Dehydration is a major factor in everything from simple hangovers to alcohol poisoning, so water is the best treatment you have at your disposal. Never give someone suffering from alcohol poisoning coffee. It will aggravate their stomach, dehydrate them further and can intensify the symptoms of the poisoning.
You must also closely monitor the person with alcohol poisoning. Poisoning can lead to coma, so you need to keep them awake as much as possible. You also need to monitor their breathing. Shallow breathing is to be expected during alcohol poisoning, but make sure breathing does not become disrupted. Also keep the patient warm, as hypothermia is a risk if blood circulation has slowed.
Once symptoms ease, you can encourage the patient to sleep, but continue to monitor them.
The Next Day: Nutritional Supplements for Damage Repair
After the crisis of alcohol poisoning has passed, it is time to turn your attention to trying to repair some of the damage done to the body during the incident. Liver damage is the main concern after a heavy drinking session. Milk thistle is believed by homeopathic experts to aid in liver detox and is a good choice to take after an episode of alcohol poisoning. B-complex vitamins can also help the body recover from the damage associated with heavy drinking.
Although the danger from alcohol poisoning may have passed, the patient is likely to be experiencing symptoms similar to a bad hangover the next day. Water and rest should help ease the discomfort.
Tips and Warnings
Alcohol poisoning is a serious and potentially dangerous condition. Natural remedies can work, but if the patient is experiencing uncontrollable vomiting, disrupted breathing, or you cannot wake him, seek medical attention immediately.