Homemade Cure for Insomnia

There are many causes of insomnia and just as many remedies. The suggestions below may help you start sleeping better and do not involve any expensive medications or other medical treatments.
  1. Types

    • Insomnia may be caused by psychological or physical factors. Finding the best remedy will depend upon your ability to determine what is causing your insomnia.

    Psychological Insomnia

    • Depression or anxiety are two common psychological causes of insomnia. Another form of psychological insomnia is caused by stressful current events such as an argument with your spouse or boss, losing a job or worry about a health issue.

      If these conditions are mild but still causing you insomnia on occasion, try writing in a journal an hour or two before bedtime. If you are worried about something at work tomorrow, write yourself a note or send yourself an email with your thoughts about the issue so you don't have to keep hashing it over in your mind.

      These actions will sometimes allow you to get worrisome thoughts out of your mind and allow you to relax enough to sleep.

    Physical Insomnia

    • Pain can cause insomnia, even if it is mild. Try taking a low-dose pain reliever an hour before bedtime for a few days to see if that helps.

      Another physical cause of insomnia is lack of exercise. Take a walk several hours before bedtime or do some light exercises with weights. Do not do this just before bedtime as it is likely to make the insomnia worse.

    Whatever the Cause, Try Making These Changes

    • Turn off the TV at least an hour before bedtime. Lower the lights, listen to soft music, take a warm bath or read a calming book. This is also a good time for meditation. Turn off the phone and get off the computer.

      Eat a light, healthy snack 2-3 hours before bedtime -- something with a dairy product like milk, cheese or yogurt is especially helpful. Do not drink a lot of liquids in the evening and avoid alcohol and caffeine.

      Add live plants to your bedroom. Turn on a fan to provide white noise and drown out distractions. Wash your bedding in a detergent with a smell you love.

    If Nothing Helps

    • Sometimes it take a doctor or a therapist to help you resolve your insomnia. If homemade cures do not help within 30 days, seek professional help.

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