Natural Hemorrhoid Cures
Herbal Treatments
Dosages of herbs and pharmaceutical drugs are both determined by one of their most important pharmacological properties, therapeutic range. Therapeutic range is the smallest dose that is effective to the largest dose a person can take without any sort of negative side effects. Most herbs are very safe and non-toxic and overdosing or doing serious damage is unlikely. However, keep in mind that taking more than the suggested doses is not likely to produce additional benefit and there is a chance it can be harmful so stick to recommended amounts. The herbs used for hemorrhoids can soothe the irritation and strengthen the veins to prevent new ones.
Aloe gel applied directly to the affected area will alleviate the pain and burning sensation. You can buy it packaged or buy a leaf, cut it open and apply the gel right from there. Calendula cream is also well known for its soothing properties. It relieves the pain and inflammation as well.
St. John's Wort oil can be used as an overnight retention enema and halts production of hormones that cause swelling and inflammation, while a witch hazel suppository treats bleeding hemorrhoids and can also relieve the pain and discomfort. A person should use 1,000 mg suppository three times a day.
Butcher's Broom tablets are good to ease burning and itching. It is recommended to take 100 mg once daily. Another effective remedy is a dandelion tincture, which softens and lubricates stool. Someone suffering from hemorrhoids should take 10 to 15 drops in ¼ cup of water three times a day. However, a person should avoid this herb if he has gallstones.
Finally, horse chestnut lessens swelling and inflammation and makes blood vessels more elastic. The recommended dosage is 150 mg a day. However, women should not use it if trying to become pregnant. Grapeseed or pinebark extract also makes blood vessels stronger and more flexible.
Other Suggestions
If using supplemental fiber, be sure to slowly increase intake. Taking too much can cause gas, discomfort and diarrhea.
Foods with Vitamin K can help stop bleeding. Alfalfa, blackstrap molasses and dark green leafy vegetables are all rich sources of this vitamin.
Drink plenty of liquids, especially water. This is the best natural stool softener out there.
It is also recommended to take supplements that strengthen the blood vessels. There is a plant-based supplement called HER (hydroxyethlrutoside) that can heal hemorrhoids. An individual suffering from hemorrhoids should take 1,000 to 2,000 mg a day. If this is not available, 3,000 to 6,000 mg daily of citrus bioflavonoids can achieve the same end.