Bentonite Clay Carbuncle Remedy
Things You'll Need
- Bentonite clay (about 1 oz) Small dish Toothpick Water Washcloth
Go to your local health food store to find bentonite clay. It should be a fine powder that is greenish in color and may be sold either in bulk or in a pre-packaged container.
Put a small amount, about a teaspoon, into the dish. Add a few of drops of water.
Using the toothpick, mix the water into the bentonite clay to form a paste. Add more water and continue stirring as necessary until a pasty consistency has formed.
With your finger, apply a thick layer of the bentonite-clay paste to your carbuncle. It should be entirely covered in the clay, about one-eighth inch thick.
Allow the paste to dry completely. Do not immediately remove the dried paste; once dried it should be left on for about a half hour. You may see the surface of the clay become dark and wet again after it has dried. This is a sign that the clay is actually pulling the pus out of the carbuncle.
With a wet washcloth, gently wipe away the clay. The carbuncle should have reduced significantly in size and be much less painful. If it has not drained completely, repeat the process.