Toenail Fungus Home Treatment
When to Treat
Treatment of the nail fungus should begin when the first signs appear. Signs of a toenail fungus include the nails becoming brittle, chipped or flaky. They will often become discolored and be yellow or brown or sometimes black. Thickening of the nails is also a sign of the fungus. While it is not always painful, thickened nails can cause pain under the toenails when wearing shoes. It is usually described as a burning pain. Sometimes there is a smell associated with the condition.
Home Treatments
Some of the home treatments to try include soaking the toes in a warm bath of half apple cider vinegar and half water for 20 minutes. Do this twice a day and dry well afterwards. Continue until the symptoms are gone. Tea tree oil, available at health food stores, can be poured onto a cotton ball and dabbed on the nails twice a day until the fungus disappears. A third alternative is to soak the nails in Listerine mouthwash for 20 minutes twice a day, drying well afterwards. Do this until the toenail fungus is gone. Another method is to clean the nails, dry well and rub with Vicks Vapo Rub twice a day. As with all the other treatments, do this until all signs of the toenail fungus have disappeared.
Change Habits
Toenail fungus likes warm, moist, dark places. To avoid spreading the fungus or getting re-infected with it, be sure to clean all shoes. Never wear wet shoes, allow them to dry after every wearing. Open toed shoes are optimum for good air circulation and keeping feet dry. When trimming toenails be careful not to trim them too closely. Trimming closely causes breaks in the skin that will allow the fungus to enter. Be aware that the fungus can be spread from person to person by sharing grooming implements.