Health Properties of Coconut Oil
Skin and Hair Care
Coconut oil is renowned for its hydrating and soothing properties for both skin and hair. It can be added to foods and taken orally, and it can be applied topically as well. Coconut oil frequently is a main ingredient in homemade skin care lotions, and is an active ingredient in hair conditioners and masks as well.
Weight Loss
Commonly used by body builders, athletes and individuals attempting to lose weight, coconut oil is low in calories and full of healthy fats that turn into energy instead of blocking the arteries leading to the heart.
Anti-Viral and Anti-Bacterial Properties
Coconut oil contains lauric acid. When ingested, the human body turns lauric acid into monolaurin, which is believed to play an important role in combating bacterial and viral infections, especially those that cause life-threatening diseases like AIDS, herpes and influenza.
Skin Conditions
Besides conditioning skin, coconut oil also is used to treat skin conditions as well. These include scabies, scurvy, skin wounds, rashes, burns and infections.
Female Reproductive Disorders
Coconut oil has been used to treat a wide variety of sexual and reproductive disorders. These include gonorrhea and syphilis, and the relief of pain and symptoms associated with painful or irregular menstruation.
Other Health Benefits
The health benefits of coconut oil are varied. Doctors and healers around the world have used coconut oil to treat abscesses, bronchitis, constipation, dysentery, gingivitis, malnutrition, toothaches, asthma, kidney stones, nausea, stomach disorders, and much more.