Signs of Blood Clots in the Legs
When a blood clot forms in the leg, the leg begins to swell. The first thing you probably will notice is that one leg is larger than the other, due to water retention in the area. Swelling can be caused by other issues, however, and is not a definite sign of a clot.
Increased Pain
A blood clot may start with a small, barely noticeable pain in your leg. Over time, the pain may increase, eventually to the point it can no longer be ignored. The pain probably will be localized. If you feel localized pain in your leg that increases in this way, see a doctor immediately.
Warmth and Redness
A blood clot in the leg will cause the area to become very warm to the touch. The entire area also may turn red. If this happens, the blood clot is getting worse and you should go to the nearest emergency room immediately.
Another sign of a blood clot is leg cramps. Cramps can turn into intense, throbbing pain and be felt in the calf muscle. The cramps may intensify when you bend your foot. Leg cramps combined with other warning signs are a serious symptom that should be checked as soon as possible.
In a severe blood clot, discoloration may occur. The area that is red, hot and painful may start to lose some of its coloring. The skin may begin to look white or blue. Blood clots can be fatal. Never ignore symptoms.