How to Cure Chronic Prostatitis
Take quercetin tablets. Quercetin is a potent flavonoid that can help reduce the pain, bacterial infections and swelling associated with chronic prostatitis. You can also eat citrus fruits such as oranges, grapefruit and lime. Take one tablet once a day, preferably in the morning.
Consume saw palmetto tablets. The derivatives of this powerful plant help reduce prostate specific antigens while lessening the swelling and inflammation. Take two tablets twice a day, preferably with meals.
Take zinc supplements.This mineral works has anti-inflammatory properties. It works by reducing the size of your enlarged prostate while assisting your immune system in fighting bacterial infection associated with prostatitis. Take one zinc tablet per day.
Consume quercetin capsules. The potent biological ingredients in the quercetin plant are called bioflavonoids. These compounds help reduce the pain and inflammation associated with prostatitis. Take two tablets with meals every day.
Take pygeum tablets. The active component of the pygeum tree is phytosterol. This compound helps reduce bacterial infection, inflammation and swelling of your prostate. It can also help you urinate less painfully. Take one tablet every day preferably before you go to bed.
Do yoga exercises. Yoga can alleviate the pain associated with chronic prostatitis by relaxing your abdominal muscles and the muscles of the base of your pelvis. It can also relieve stress and anxiety. See the link in our Resources section for a yoga video.
Get acupuncture. Acupuncture works by stimulating the nerve cell receptors of the affected area, lessening the pain caused by chronic prostatitis. Contact an acupuncture therapist in your area to find out how this treatment can help reduce inflammation and pain.