How to Get Rid of Hyperhydrosis
Use a natural facial scrub. The ingredients of facial scrubs act as a natural exfoliant, which reduces sweating, clears pores and removes toxins. Use the scrub on the parts of your body where there is excessive sweating. Apply the scrub three times a week.
Drink sage tea. Sage contains the potent compound rosmarinic acid, which acts by targeting your sweat glands to produce less sweat. Drink sage tea every day preferably before going to bed.
Use pure cornstarch. This powder acts by absorbing excessive sweat and regulating your sweat glands. Apply cornstarch liberally to affected areas of your body. Do this every day before going outside and before going to sleep.
Eat asparagus. This vegetable contains the amino acid asparagin which considerably reduces your body's sweat output. Make sure to steam the asparagus avoiding adding butter or oil in order to preserve its natural ingredients. Add asparagus to your diet and consume every day.
Regulate your diet. You can naturally control hyperhidrosis by avoiding foods that make you sweat a lot. Avoid chilies and most spices since they can increase your body temperature causing you to sweat more. Caffeine and alcohol have the same effect. Avoid these foods to help reduce your hyperhidrosis.