How to Reverse Bone Loss in the Vertebrae
Eat plenty of walnuts. Walnuts contain Omega-3 fatty acids that helps your body make more bone cells. Eating a cup of walnuts every day will enhance bone integrity and prevent bone loss.
Eat at least six prunes a day. This plum is rich in potassium and polyphenols, which builds bone density and provides you with energy throughout the day.
Consume pigweed supplements. This weedy plant contains a high amount of calcium needed to assist your body in making new bone cells while enhancing your blood circulation.
Eat garlic every day. This vegetable contains a high amount of sulfur which is needed to strengthen bones and maintain connective tissue growth. Add garlic to your dishes.
Do yoga every day. Performing yoga postures can reduce bone loss and increase bone density. Do standing poses like the tree pose, warrior and lunges. See the You Tube link below.