How to Use Castor Oil for Health
Things You'll Need
- Castor Oil
- Flannel
- Hot water bottle
Applied externally, you can treat corns on the foot, by applying castor oil once or twice daily to the corns, then surround the corn with an adhesive corn pad, that is cut out in the middle. Now cover the corns with silk tape. After repeating this procedure several times, the corns will be softened enough for removal with a pumice stone.
You can treat warts with castor oil in a similar fashion. Cover the wart with castor oil several times a day, and cover with a bandage. Soon the wart will dissolve, and be easy to remove.
Castor oil may also be used to treat ringworm, abscesses, bruises, dry skin, dermatitis. Apply castor oil to sore muscles and massage in for relief.
When taken internally, castor oil can be used for many ailments. It tastes absolutely awful, but is often flavored with peppermint or fruit juices. It is available in both oil and emulsified liquid preparations. It is used extensively for digestive problems such as constipation.
Castor oil is generally considered safe, however, do not take castor oil within two hours of taking other types of medicine, the castor oil will reduce the effectiveness of the other medication. Patients who are taking heart medication should check with their doctors, as castor oil may intensify the effects of these drugs and cause the body to lose potassium.
Castor oil packs are another way to use castor oil to treat fibroids, menstrual cramps, and other problems. These packs work by stimulating the lymphatic system, and promoting detoxification. Simply saturate a flannel cloth or washrag with castor oil and apply to affected area. Cover with plastic wrap. Keep area warm with a hot water bottle. Lie down for 20-30 minutes and relax. Repeat as needed.