Natural Remedies for Frequent Urination
One common reason for frequent urination is a urinary tract infection (UTI). UTIs develop when bacteria attach to the opening of the urethra and multiply. When this happens, the bladder is unable to hold the urine. Cystitis is another possible cause of frequent urination. Cystitis occurs when the bladder becomes inflamed. Other causes of frequent urination are diabetes, excess fluid intake, certain medications or pregnancy.
Symptoms of frequent urination include an urge to urinate more than usual, discomfort in the bladder and a burning sensation when urinating. You may still feel like you need to urinate even after you've just gone. These symptoms may worsen during the night, when your body is more relaxed. Frequent urination can cause sleep disturbances in some people. Although men experience frequent urination, it is more common in women, according to the National Kidney and Urologic Diseases Information Clearinghouse.
Frequent urination can often be treated at home, using natural remedies. Drinking cranberry juice can reduce UTIs, which can cause frequent urination. According to a research that was conducted by researchers at Harvard Medical School, women who drank 10 ounces of cranberry juice each day reduced the chance of having bacteria in their urine by 58 percent. Another natural remedy for frequent urination is plain yogurt. Plain yogurt contains Lactobacillus acidophilus, which helps prevent the growth of harmful bacteria in the bladder.
There are many benefits of using natural remedies for frequent urination. You reduce the chance of side effects that would normally be associated with taking prescription medications. Natural remedies are cheaper than prescription or over-the-counter medications. Most natural remedies are already in the home, so there is no need to spend additional money. Another benefit of using natural remedies for frequent urination is that you can receive other health benefits from using them.
Some things can be done to prevent frequent urination. Train the bladder by doing Kegel exercises daily. Kegel exercises are performed by contracting your pelvic floor muscles for 5 seconds and then relaxing the muscles for 5 seconds. This should be done at least 10 times in 1 round, then repeating each round 3 times daily. By doing Kegel exercises, the pelvic floor muscles will strengthen and reduce frequent urination. Avoid drinking too much alcohol and caffeine beverages such as coffee and sodas, especially before bedtime.