How to Clear the Lungs After Quitting Smoking
Years of smoking scar the lungs, weakening breathing and reducing the body's oxygen content. But there are many therapies and foods you can consume to help detoxify your lungs. Using natural treatments, you can effectively and quickly clear your lungs of toxins accumulated after years of cigarette smoking.Instructions
Eat plenty of pineapples. The active ingredient in pineapple is bromelin, which helps cleanse your lungs in a cellular level--including increasing elasticity for you to be able to breathe deeper and consume more fresh oxygen.
Consume garlic separately or add it to your meals. The powerful active ingredient in garlic is allicin. This compound acts by dissolving the toxic mucous left over from smoking, kills bacteria and helps you breathe normally.
Eat apples every day. Consuming this fruit over time will improve your lung function while detoxifying your lungs at the cellular level. Apples contain a high amount of ascorbic acid and magnesium.
Drink a cup of green tea every day, preferably 1 hour after dinner. This tea contains the antioxidant catechin, which helps prevent cancer from your previous smoking habits. It also clears up any toxic mucous accumulated over the years, making you breathe easier.
Do yoga breathing exercises. Doing yoga breathing rejuvenates and cleanses lungs of accumulated impurities caused by smoking. (See the link below in the Resources section.) Perform yoga every day before eating breakfast.