Stuffy Nose Home Remedies
Oil of Oregano
Oil of oregano is an often overlooked but very effective remedy to a stuffy nose, particularly when one that's caused by allergies. The oil of oregano actually combats the spores of the allergens which typically cause a surge of mucus to flood into nasal passages, causing stuffy noses and sinus pressure. A word of caution: Oil of oregano can result in excess drying of the nasal passages. Additionally, you will want to make sure to procure oil of oregano as opposed to oregano extract which is typically sold at the same stores.
Steam Bath
Using a steam bath can help to open pores and nasal passages, ultimately leading to relief from a stuffy nose. You can either run a hot bath or shower while the bathroom door is closed, building up steam in the room, or you can boil some water and place it in a large bowl. Then place a towel over the back of your head while you position your head above the bowl so you can breath in the steam as it rolls off the heated water.
Try using a humidifier in your room at night. The humidifier will put moisture into the air, helping to alleviate a stuffy nose caused by dry air. Additionally, you can try placing a drop or two of lavender oil into the humidifier to help sooth you to sleep, as sometimes a stuffy nose can be a sleep inhibitor.
There are a few simple acupressure points you can use at home to help find relief from a stuffy nose. An easy one to find is on your eyebrow, on the arch directly above your pupil when looking straight ahead. Gently press the pad of your thumb into this spot on either eyebrow ridge and hold for 30 to 60 seconds. Another spot is on the inside of your elbow in the crease on the outside edge, towards the thumb side. Again, press gently and hold for 30 to 60 seconds.
Over-the-counter Decongestants
There are many over-the-counter medications you can obtain to help treat a stuffy nose, such as Benadryl or Sudafed. Make sure you are aware of the other symptoms this may treat, such as watery eyes or a sore throat.
You should never begin a new medication regime without consulting your physician first as it may interfere with medications you are currently taking. Additionally, acupressure is not a replacement for traditional medicine and ideally should be administered by a professional. It is not meant to elicit pain or discomfort.