Home Remedies for Leg Pains
Leg pain can be caused by many factors. It can be caused by the most common form of arthritis, osteoarthritis. A person may develop arthritis due to age, genetics, weight or overuse. Other things that may cause leg pain may include injury to the leg from bone fracture, muscle strain or torn ligaments. Leg pain can also be caused by muscle cramps, which usually occur when there is strain from overuse of the muscles during exercise.
Depending on the cause of the leg pain, symptoms may vary. Some people compare the pain in their leg to pins and needles, a burning sensation in the affected area, numbness or a sharp pain running down the length of the leg. Symptoms may last for a few minutes or many hours. Some pregnant women complain of experiencing pain during the advanced stage of their pregnancy. The larger the uterus becomes, there is more pressure on the sciatic nerve. These pains normally disappear after childbirth.
There are numerous home remedies that can bring relief. One of the simplest is to drink plenty of water and other fluids. Keeping your body hydrated will help to soothe muscle contractions and relieve leg pain. Taking cod liver oil is known to relieve leg pain. According to a study conducted by Great Britain's Arthritis Research Campaign, the Omega-3 fatty acid that is found in cod liver oil reduces leg pain and damage in inflamed joints. Take 1 tsp. of cod liver oil each day to prevent and relieve leg pain. Eating four or five walnuts daily before breakfast is also known to reduce leg pain.
There are certain things that can be done to prevent future leg pains, including lifestyle changes such as keeping your weight under control. Excess weight can increase pressure on the legs, resulting in leg pain. Exercise regularly, which will help to strengthen the leg muscles and improve circulation. Warm up and stretch before you begin your exercise to prevent muscle cramps. Consume a daily diet rich in calcium to help increase bone density and maintain strong healthy bones.
Sometimes leg pains may not respond to home remedies. You may need to consult your doctor for additional treatment if the pain persists. Leg pains may be a sign of other types of illness such as peripheral arterial disease, which usually occurs when there is a narrowing of the arteries in the legs and therefore insufficient blood supply to the leg.