Home Wart Remedies
Make Sure It's a Wart
Before you start any type of treatment, make sure what you're treating is a wart and not something else. You don't want to put a wart treatment on a mole, corn, callus or an area of skin that could be cancerous. Warts are usually the same color as your skin and have a rough surface. Their borders are even and their surface has blackened capillaries. Warts don't grow roots that extend deep into your skin, as many have been led to believe.
Vitamin C Paste
Crush a vitamin C tablet and mix with some water until you have a thick paste. Apply the paste directly to the wart and cover with first-aid tape. Evidence has shown that vitamin C's high ascorbic acid content kills off the virus that causes warts. Apply the paste only to the area affected by the wart, because it can cause irritation. Leave the tape on for a week before removing it. Apply fresh paste and tape if needed. This works for both regular and plantar warts, though it may take several weeks to see any improvement.
Tape the Wart
Apply a piece of first-aid tape snugly over the wart. Some people swear that duct tape works better. Leave the tape in place for seven days. Replace the tape with a fresh piece and continue this process for three weeks. You should see improvement if the tape method is working. If the wart looks and feels like it's dying, continue the tape for another week or two. This method works for both regular and plantar warts.
Vitamin A
Pierce a capsule of vitamin A with a pin and squeeze some on the wart. Rub it in. Repeat this step once a day for three months. This process may take a bit longer than the others. It works for both regular and plantars.
Leave It Alone
If the wart isn't in an area of your body that's bothering you or causing you pain, leave it alone. The vast majority of warts will disappear on their own if you don't do anything at all. It might take a year or so for the wart to go away, but most will eventually die on their own.