What is a Rife Machine?
Rife machine therapy was developed by Royal R. Rife, a brilliant scientific researcher who discovered the Mortal Oscillatory Rates (MOR) of over 50 disease-causing pathogens. His main research and work was conducted between 1920 and 1934, and his brilliance and discoveries were honorably mentioned in the Annual Report of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution of June 30, 1944.
According to Rife.org and the Smithsonian Institution, Dr. Rife discovered the electron frequencies of specific microorganisms, as he researched ways to visualize them through his Universal microscope at 60,000 times magnification. His universal microscope far surpassed the resolution of both the dark field and Zeiss microscopes.
By increasing each microorganism's electron frequency, the cellular structure of the microorganisms became compromised and unstable, and Dr. Rife's technology was then able to destroy them. (Rife.org) Dr. Edward C. Rosenow attributed its success to the ingenious techniques used to develop the microscope, over its high magnification.
Most pathogenic microorganisms have weak and unstable cell walls. Rife machine therapy does not target normal body cells, whose cell membranes are not affected by these resonating frequencies.
Side Effects
According to Rife.org, the side effects are minimal, and are usually associated with the accumulation and detoxification process of the pathogenic debris.
There is much controversy surrounding the practice of using Rife machines. The Food and Drug Administration has prohibited its use in the United States, declaring it illegal. Some natural health care specialists are allowed to use the device, but only for experimental purposes. Furthermore, the FDA has not officially documented any of its claims, and the original Rife machine was not patented. Many pieces of its original documentation were confiscated and its original design has been challenging to duplicate. Although it is used in other parts of the world, including Germany, unauthorized treatments that claimed miraculous results have resulted in criminal prosecution in the United States.