How to Reduce Anxiety with Natural Methods
The nutrient commonly known as 5-HTP, a compound named 5 hydroxy-tryptophan, is derived from tryptophan. Other than being used as a mood lifter it can also be used to raise the tolerance level of pain and as a sleep aid. The molecules in this compound are small enough to go through the blood stream to the brain; many supplements do not have molecules that are small enough to do this. However, 5-HTP can interact with many different drugs, including those found in most cold medicines. Tell your doctor about anything you may be taking before take 5-HTP, he or she may be able to tell you if the nutrient will have a bad reaction to other drugs.
A mixture of calcium and magnesium is another good way to reduce anxiety naturally. The mixture has been known to help relieve muscle tension. You can take calcium/magnesium with vitamin B complex to help produce neurotransmitters in the brain. Together the calcium, magnesium and vitamin B complex will have a calming effect on the brain, therefore releasing anxiety. You use an extract of tea that can be purchased over the counter called theanine, which will add to the calming effects.
Valerian is another natural substance that can be used if you are not satisfied with the results of the above remedies. You can try to 400 to 450 mg twice a day instead of theanine if you find that the tea extract is not working for you. You can also take 800 to 1,350 mg of Valerian before bed to help you get some rest. Valerian is primarily used as a sleep aid; therefore it can make you drowsy. This can also be used as a tea. Some may prefer a relaxing Valerian tea before bed to help them sleep.
Prior to starting a treatment that can help you reduce anxiety naturally, it is important to inform your medical provider of the plans that you have. They may be able to suggest a natural way to alleviate the symptoms with your anxiety other than those mentioned here.