How to Use Natural Poison Ivy Treatments
Things You'll Need
- Extra Vitamin C
- Ointment or spray with Jewelweed
- Aloe vera gel
- Homeopathic remedy with Rhus tox
- Calamine lotion
Up your intake of Vitamin C. In addition to my regular multivitamin I took 500 mg of Vitamin C. This vitamin is very helpful to the skin and also works as an antihistamine.
Find an herbal product with jewelweed, the next phase of an effective natural poison ivy treatment plan. This is a known herbal remedy for poison ivy, poison oak and poison sumac rashes. I found a product in a spray bottle that is quite handy to carry around.
At this point the rash should be under control for the most part, but if you accidentally brush it up against something, such as the fabric of your shirt, it may start to feel itchy. When this happened to me I put on some aloe vera gel, which calms the itching and helps the skin heal.
Purchase Rhus tox capsules because homeopathy operates on the belief that "like cures like." Well, Rhus tox is actually poison ivy (that's the Latin name). Think of it like a vaccine. The theory is that when your body is fed the irritant in small doses, it can begin to fight it off.
Calamine lotion is an old classic that I haven't used in a while. But I remember using it with great success. It calms irritated and itchy skin which is just what is called for with a poison ivy, poison oak, or poison sumac rash.