How to Cure Hepatitis C With Silver
Things You'll Need
- Colloidal silver solution
Do your research and be sure you understand what you are taking and what sort of results you can expect. Colloidal sliver is a solution made from distilled water, microscopic flecks of silver metal and charged silver particles known as ions. In theory, the hepatitis C virus is attracted to the charge of the ion, drawing it out of your tissue and toward the particle. This makes it easier for the immune system to isolate and attack the virus.
Locate a reliable source of colloidal silver (see Resources), or make your own. Choose a type of solution that is labeled "True Colloids."
Determine your dosage. Colloidal silver is not carcinogenic, and large doses are not harmful; however, it can be expensive, so there is no reason to take more than you need. A reasonable starting dose for an adult is 1 tbsp. four times a day for 30 days. If you do not see a significant drop in your viral load, increase your dosage to 2 tbsp. four times a day. If, on the other hand, your viral load has returned to normal after 1 month, decrease your dosage to 3 tbsp. per day for 30 days.
Begin a maintenance dosage of half the original effective dose 60 days after your viral load has returned to normal.
Consider taking other steps to remove the toxins in your daily life, such as stopping smoking and reducing your intake of alcohol, sugar and highly processed foods for the greatest effect.