Chemical-Free Head Lice Treatments
Lice Combs
Lice and nits can be manually removed by a process called "Bug Busting." Shampoo hair and use conditioner so it is easier to get the fine-tooth comb through the hair. Allow some of the conditioner to remain in the hair. Use a wide tooth comb to straighten and de-tangle hair prior to using the lice comb. Thoroughly comb hair from roots to ends with the lice comb to remove lice and nits. Lice combs can be purchased on-line and in most drug stores.
Olive oil can be used to smother the developing and adult lice. Wash hair. Put olive oil all over the scalp and hair. Wrap with a shower or swimming cap. Wrap another towel around to prevent mess. Leave on overnight. Use a nit comb and comb out the hair in the morning. Rub shampoo into the hair and then wash out. Repeat washing. Apply conditioner and re-comb with the nit comb to remove nits and any remaining lice.
Increased resistance to commonly used pesticides is a matter of concern. Infestations of head lice are more difficult to control with conventionally used chemical pesticides. As resistance to pesticides increases, lice infestations may last longer and become more prevalent. In addition, the pesticides used are absorbed through the skin and can cause health problems, especially for recurrent infestations.
Lice have a 10-day life cycle. Use any control strategy every other day to break the life cycle for more effective control of the infestation. Chemical-free head lice treatments, such as combing and smothering, require more maintenance than chemical interventions with pesticides. A thorough cleaning of the environment is a necessity to control the infestation in the environment.
Wash all bedding, towels and anything possible to kill lice in the environment. Stuffed animals and other items that cannot be washed or put in the dryer should be bagged for two weeks. Keep children's hair pinned up or cut short for school. Remind children not to share brushes, combs, hats or other articles that may have lice from another child.