Nagging Cough Remedies
A cough is one of the most common ailments for which patients seek treatment from a doctor. A cough is a natural process by the body to remove an object that may be blocking the airway. Coughing can prevent mucus from building up in the airway and prevent bacteria from entering the lungs. A cough may start as a normal cough that usually accompanies a cold or flu, but coughs may continue for weeks or even years, in some case. A nagging cough that won't go away may be caused by acute sinusitis, allergies or post-nasal drip. Other health issues can cause a nagging cough, such as asthma or bronchitis.
Symptoms of a nagging cough may include a tickling feeling in the back of the throat, along with a persistent uncontrollable cough. The coughing may not produce any mucus or phlegm. Sometimes coughs are brought on by a common cold or flu, but after the cold subsides, a nagging cough may persist for weeks, months or longer. Coughing symptoms may become worse at night because of indoor environmental factors that may be triggering the cough. These factors may include dust mites, pet dander, mold or dust.
Most nagging coughs can be treated with home remedies. Natural alternatives may take more time than over-the-counter medicine to treat the cough, but such alternatives may yield better results with no side effects. Garlic or garlic oil is known to be effective in treating a nagging cough. Garlic produces an antibiotic compound when crushed or chewed. When combined with lime or lemon juice, honey also can relieve a nagging cough. Honey contains antibacterial properties that helps kill bacteria. Another effective home remedy is thyme, which can be made as a tea to relief cough symptoms.
Certain lifestyle choices, such as smoking or the use of chemical cleaning products, can contribute to coughs. If you are experiencing a nagging cough, you may need to evaluate your lifestyle to see what may be causing it. For example, if you smoke, you may need to stop smoking to eliminate and prevent nagging coughs. If your coughing is caused by sinus allergies, you can use a salt saline mix to clear your sinuses and prevent future allergy symptoms. Some chemicals used in the home, such as air fresheners or air sprays, can irritate the throat. Lemon can be used to deodorize your home without any side effects.
Although a cough may not be a sign of a serious illness, you should see your doctor if your cough persists, especially if you are experiencing a cough that produces blood or green mucus or if you are having chest pain. A cough left untreated can lead to chronic illnesses such as pneumonia. Based on your symptoms, a doctor can determine if you need antibiotics to treat your cough.