How to Make Pheromones
Things You'll Need
- Celery
- Gauze pads
- Your favorite perfume or essential oil
- Glass bottle
Make celery part of your diet. Celery contains androtestosterone, which according to the website Shapefit is a powerful hormone that is released through sweat and attracts the opposite sex. By eating celery, your sweat will contain a higher level of pheromones.
Place some gauze pads under your armpits to collect your sweat. If you are a female, you should do this during your period since this is the time when most pheromones are produced. You can also place the gauze pads in other areas where you can collect sweat, like your elbows or behind your knees.
Place the gauze pads that collected your sweat in your perfume bottle so your own pheromones can enhance the attraction effects of your perfume. You can also put them inside a small glass bottle filled with your favorite essential oil.
Dab a little of your pheromone enhanced perfume or essential oil on your wrists, neck, temples, the area behind the knees and your ankles.