Home Remedies for Yeast Infections in Men
Men can develop yeast infection though they are more common in women. Symptoms of male yeast infection include irritation, itching and soreness of the head of the penis. Also look for redness and small, white blisters on the head of the penis and a burning sensation when urinating. Male yeast infection is also commonly known as Balanitis. Causes of a male yeast infection include sexual contact, the use of antibiotics and diabetes. Women should be aware of the symptoms of a yeast infection in men since it can be spread through sexual contact. There are prescription treatments, over-the-counter treatments and home remedy treatments for a yeast infection in men.-
Eat a cup of yogurt every day with your breakfast until the symptoms are gone. Yogurt has lactobacillus acidophilus which is one of your body's good bacteria. If you are lactose intolerant you can go to any health food store and buy a natural source of acidophilus in tablet, capsules or liquids.
Eat a fresh clove of garlic every day to help treat the symptoms of a yeast infection. If you don't like eating fresh garlic or you don't have access to fresh garlic, you can take it in supplement form.
You can use herbs, including black walnut, chamomile, Pau-d' Arco, goldenseal and licorice, as a good home remedy for yeast infection either eaten or applying directly to the area as a paste or tincture.
Cranberry Juice
Cranberry juice is a good remedy to help treat yeast infections in men. Drink pure or mixed cranberry juice until the symptoms go away or take it in supplement form.
Avoid Yeasty Foods
Stop eating any foods that contain yeast as they can make the yeast infection worse. Also stop taking any yeast supplement such as brewers yeast. You only need to stop eating yeasty foods and yeast supplements until the symptoms go away.