How to Break Up Chest Congestion
Eat spicy food. Spices are known to rapidly loosen up phlegm in the lungs. The ingredients in Indian food contain a generous amount of chilies known to immediately loosen up lung tubules, forcing mucus secretions out of the lungs.
Drink pineapple juice. This juice contains a high amount of Vitamin C, an enzyme known to break down mucus. You can buy pineapple juice at your local health food store. Do not purchase canned pineapple juice since the Vitamin C enzymes stick to the metal. Look for the bottled type.
Drink garlic and ginger tea. This tea clears chest congestion by loosening the mucous membranes and coating the throat so that you can cough more effectively. Prepare by slicing equal amounts of ginger and garlic and dropping into a cup of boiling water. Stir and drink.
Massage your chest with turmeric powder which has healing properties. Rubbing a generous amount of turmeric powder on your chest can treat chest congestion and help you breath easy. You can find it in your local supermarket.
Inhale eucalyptus vapors. Add a few drops of eucalyptus oil in a bowl of boiling water. Put the bowl on a table and lean over it with your eyes shut. Cover your head with a towel and Inhale the steam for 30 minutes.