How to Do a Colon Clense
Add more fiber to your diet. Fiber can be found in fruits, vegetables and grains. The body cannot digest certain parts of these foods, allowing the fiber to enter the intestine intact. Soluble fiber becomes soft and gel-like in your intestines, while insoluble fiber simply passes through in its original form.
Drink more liquids to add fluid to the color, which adds bulk to your stool. This makes bowel movements softer, and they will pass out of your body more easily during the cleansing process. Avoid caffeinated drinks like cola and coffee and alcoholic beverages because these can actually increase dehydration. Milk and dairy products can inhibit the elimination process, so they should be avoided.
Increase your physical activity. Being active on a regular basis aids the digestive process and facilitates colon cleansing.
Use a laxative or other commercial product. Bulk-forming or stimulating laxatives can do a very effective job of cleansing. A bulk-forming laxative is basically a concentrated form of fiber, while a stimulant laxative causes muscle contractions in the intestines to push the material along.
Have high colonic irrigation performed. If your own efforts at colon cleansing do not seem to be effective, a high colonic irrigation may boost the process. This is simply an enema that consists of inserting a nozzle into the rectum in order to pump in water for the cleansing. It is then manually pumped back out. If you don't want to spend the money, you can do a mineral oil enema at home for a similar effect.