Natural Cures for Blocked Arteries
Use less sugar and more honey in breakfast meals, recipes and beverages. Enjoy at least one teaspoon each of honey and lemon juice mixed in 8 ounces of water prior to going to bed and upon waking.
Increase your consumption of foods rich in anti-oxidants, bioflavonoids, lecithin, pectin and vitamin C (ascorbic acid). Select fruits like apples, oranges and lemons. Lemon peel is a tasty addition to many dishes and, like other fibrous fruits, contains pectin. Garlic, onions and parsley head the list for vegetables. A great source of lecithin is the soy bean.
Fatty Acids
Include foods with omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids like salmon, trout, tuna, cloves, cauliflower, cabbage, corn oil, walnuts and flax, mustard and pumpkin seeds.
When seeking higher amounts of anti-oxidants, omega 3 and 6, bioflavonoids, lecithin, pectin and vitamin C, consider natural dietary supplements.
Ginkgo bilboa, green tea, and hawthorn berry will also help defend your arteries.
While a good diet is great, exercise will help circulate the nutrients and other substances in your body to reduce or prevent arterial problems. However, you may want to check with your physician before beginning or changing an exercise regimen.