Medicinal Effects of Apple Cider Vinegar
According to Dr. Mindell's book "Amazing Apple Cider Vinegar," the Babylonians were the first to convert wine into vinegar in 5000 BC, because they believed it had excellent healing properties. The book also mentions that it has been used by Hippocrates as an antibiotic, samurai warriors and U.S. Civil War soldiers.
Apple cider vinegar can be used as a health aid diluted in water or juice or in supplement form. It is also used in cooking or as a salad dressing.
According to and, apple cider vinegar has been proved to help with medical conditions, such as diabetes, gout, arthritis, infections, allergies, high cholesterol, candida, reflux and dermatitis. It is also used as a beauty aid to improve acne, skin tone and appearance and hair shine, and as a weight regulator.
It is important to consult with a medical doctor or natural health practitioner to determine whether this remedy will work well with your body or if it will interfere with any medications you might be taking.
Pure apple cider vinegar must be diluted, as it is too harsh and can cause burns in your throat. According to, the supplement form's side effects are irritability, nervousness or palpitations. Long-term use might cause serious health problems.
Fun Fact
- mentions a Glamour magazine interview with Fergie in which she mentions her use of apple cider vinegar shots. Other celebrities who use apple cider vinegar for its health and weight-controlling properties are Natalie Cole, Cindy Crawford and Megan Fox.