Latest Natural Cancer Cures
Budwig Diet
This diet founded by the late Dr. Johanna Budwig is credited by a number of cancer patients for actually curing the illness, according to testimonials at the website Healing Cancer Naturally (see Resources below). The Budwig diet is largely oil- and protein-based and includes daily flax seeds and no trans fats or processed foods; it urges patients to avoid supplements.
Gerson Therapy
Gerson therapy is another natural cure for cancer credited with healing even serious cases of myeloma (bone cancer) in which the patient was given .05 percent chance of survival, according to the book "Living Proof: A Medical Mutiny." Gerson therapy includes a large amount of freshly-juiced vegetables and three daily coffee enemas.
Green Barley Pills
Some people, including a man who was told another dose of chemotherapy would not help his prostate cancer and might kill him, have claimed they were cured by taking 20 or more 200 mg of green barley pills per day, according to the website Cancer-Success (see Resources below).
Water Fasting
Two men afflicted with bladder cancer claimed that water fasting for at least 28 days cured each of their conditions, according to Healing Cancer Naturally.
Aromatherapy and Yoga
Aromatherapy, which is the inhalation of essential oils from plants and flowers, as well as yoga can both help ease mental and physical distress associated with cancer. Good oils for cancer patients to use to relieve anxiety, nausea and vomiting include cinnamon, lavender, chamomile and grapefruit.