Health Benefits of Inversion Tables
Pain Relief
Inversion works with gravity to alleviate pressure on the spine, thus bringing pain relief to back pain sufferers.
Inversion, by allowing increased blood flow, relaxes muscles and provides relief for painful spasms.
Continued use of inversion therapy helps align the spine naturally and improves posture.
Vertebral Improvement
Use of inversion helps increase the amount of fluid in the discs that separate each spinal vertebra. This provides more cushion on the spine, resulting in decreased nerve compression, which lessens pain.
Stress Relief
Hanging upside-down renders one immobile, which forces relaxation and helps allow tension in the back and neck to be released.
In inversion, the circulatory system is assisted by gravity, which eases the blood flow to the heart.
Lymphatic Relief
The use of inversion therapy may help stimulate and rejuvenate an overly-taxed and sluggish lymphatic system.