Home Remedies to Detox Your Body
Dandelion may have immune and white blood cell boosting properties, as well as the ability to stimulate and eliminate toxins from all cells in the body.
Milk Thistle
Silymerin, the main ingredient in milk thistle, may help repair a damaged liver in those who have abused drugs and alcohol, or who suffer from liver disease. It may also strengthen and protect the liver in those who are healthy.
This vegetable is not only good for cleansing the blood and maintaining a healthy bowel, but it also is great for healthy kidney function as well.
Licorice Root
This herb may be helpful in the treatment of kidney conditions. It is also considered a strong cleanser, as it increases the secretions of the stomach, liver, and pancreas.
Black Walnut Hulls
This home remedy helps remove toxic buildup in the body, while removing harmful parasites from the intestinal tract.
These are home remedies that others have used successfully. However there have not been medical studies done to prove their effectiveness or safety, and should not be used in place of medical treatment unless recommended by a physician.
Product Form
These home remedies can be found in the form of either powders, teas, or herbal supplements. They can be purchased at your local health-food store.