Home Remedies for a Cold, Cough & Sore Throat
Bacteria multiplies in mucous, so cleansing your nose and throat of excess mucous can help reduce the infection. Blow your nose frequently. Mix a teaspoon of salt in an eight ounce bottle of water. Keep it in the bathroom and gargle with it several times a day.
Extra fluids help loosen the mucous in your nose and chest, so drink plenty of fluids. Water is excellent, but herbal teas have added benefits. Peppermint tea is a natural decongestant, ginger tea soothes the stomach, and thyme is an expectorant, which helps you to cough more productively. In addition, the warmth of tea can be soothing.
If your throat is sore and raw, swallow a teaspoon of honey every few hours. Not only does honey coat the throat and soothe it, but honey is a powerful natural antibiotic.
Chicken soup is not just an old wives tale. It has anti-inflammatory properties and reduces the the activity of white blood cells. Add some garlic, a natural antibiotic, or a dash of cayenne pepper to clear your sinuses.
If you're all stuffed up, add a few drops of eucalyptus oil in your warm bath water and sink into it. The eucalyptus will act as a vaporizer, and the warm bath will be soothing and help you relax.