Remedies for Dry Itchy Skin
Olive Oil
Olive oil is very useful for dry skin. It helps to moisturize and re-hydrate, while promoting new skin growth.
Oatmeal can be extremely beneficial to dry skin, especially during winter. Add 1 cup of old fashioned oatmeal to warm bath water and soak for about 15 minutes for best results.
Drink chamomile tea to help reduce the inflammation in your skin.
Vitamin E
Take a daily supplement of Vitamin E to help relieve the itching and dryness.
Honey is high in antioxidants and helps promote healing. Rub a small amount of honey directly on your skin for best results.
Use only hypoallergenic soaps, lotions and makeup to help reduce dry itchy skin. Remove all gluten products from your diet. Gluten allergy can cause excessive dry skin.
Do not eat sugar, chocolate, white flour, fried food or processed foods as they can make dry skin worsen.