Home Remedies to Quit Smoking
According to the Centers For Disease Control, smoking cessation lowers the risk of lung and other forms of cancer. The CDC also cites that coronary heart disease risk substantially reduces 1 to 2 years after cessation.
The main function of home cessation remedies is to use an alternative means to quit. This includes the avoidance of prescription drugs or over-the-counter products.
Reduce your daily amount of cigarettes by two over a period of two weeks. Then after this period, reduce the amount again. Continue this pattern until you have worked your way down to none.
The act of smoking has a lot to do with a habitual feeling of keeping the hands busy. Chew sticks act as a great substitute for this problem and they also keep the mouth fresh and free of bacteria.
Avoid foods, people, places and things that can trigger smoking. A lot of times, various activities are related to smoking. This might be eating certain foods, drinking certain beverages or hanging out with certain people who are bad influences.
Acupuncture is another home remedy for smoking cessation. It is utilized to control cravings and reduce withdrawal symptoms such as irritability, jitters and restlessness.
Expert Insight
According to the National Cancer Institute, when first quitting you may encounter some short term effects such as weight gain, anxiety and irritability.