How to Treat Skin Shingles Naturally
Take vitamin supplements to ease the symptoms of skin shingles. Research suggests that taking vitamin E before eating can reduce the pain associated with shingles. Vitamin B12 injections can offer similar benefits, according to a study published in the Journal Geriatrics. Take 1,000 mg. of vitamin C to boost your immune system.
Find relief by treating the lesions caused by skin shingles. You can squeeze the oil from vitamin E capsules right onto the lesions. This will help them heal faster. You can also take a wet cloth and let it sit in the freezer for a while and then put it on the lesion areas of your skin.
Take proteolytic enzymes for faster healing skin. Your pancreas naturally produces these enzymes to help your body digest protein. Proteolytic enzymes are available in supplemental form. Studies indicate that the supplements reduce pain and heal the skin.