Home Remedies for Swimmer's Ear

Use home remedies for swimmer's ear to help fight off infection and fungus growth. Swimmer's ear is caused by excess water getting trapped in the ear canal. It generally happens most during the summer or the swimming season, but can happen throughout the year as well.
  1. Rubbing Alcohol and White Vinegar

    • Rinse ears using a cotton ball soaked in a mixture of half white vinegar and half rubbing alcohol. According to Dr. Emily Senay, a CBS medical correspondent, the vinegar can kill any bacteria lurking in the ear and the rubbing alcohol will dry out excess water.

    Olive Oil

    • An old folk remedy says to warm a few drops of extra virgin olive oil, then place in ear and cover with a cotton ball to prevent drainage.

    Hot Compresses

    • Hold a heating pad or warm cloth against the painful ear. The heat will help evaporate excess water and reduce pain in the ear .

    Baby Oil

    • Place two to three drops of baby oil into the ears prior to entering the water. According to The Doctor's Book of Home Remedies, this can help prevent swimmer's ear.

    Garlic Oil

    • To reduce the inflammation in your ear, place two to three drops of garlic oil into the ear canal. This can also aid in healing and boost immunity.

    Blow Dry

    • Set your blow dryer to a low heat setting and gently blow into the ear, holding the dryer at least 12 to 18 inches away from the ear. This should help eliminate any excess water in the ear.

    Ear Plugs

    • Consider using ear plugs made for swimmers when you are in the water. This will help prevent water from getting in the ear and causing irritation.

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