Home Remedies for an Itchy Scalp
Essential Fatty Acids
Take a daily supplement of flax seed oil, salmon oil or primrose oil to relieve inflammation of the scalp.
After shampooing, rinse your hair with a solution of 1/4 cup of vinegar and 16 ounces of water to relieve itching.
Take vitamins A, B, C and E, which are essential to a healthy scalp and aid in preventing dry skin.
Eating kelp helps to supply the body with needed minerals such as iodine, which is essential for hair growth and healing the scalp.
Peanut Oil and Lemon
Mix together 8 tablespoons of peanut oil and the juice from half a lemon. Rub the mixture vigorously into your scalp and allow it to remain for 15 minutes prior to shampooing.
Do not eat fried foods, milk products, white sugar, white flour, nuts, seafood or chocolate. You should also consider avoiding hair care products such as hair spray, mousse and gel, as they can promote dryness, causing an itchy scalp to worsen.
Eat a healthy diet consisting of at least three-fourths raw food. Enjoy foods containing large amounts of vitamins, such as leafy green vegetables and whole-grain breads and pasta, to promote healthy skin and hair.