Colon Cleansing Treatments
In order to prevent the creation and absorption of toxins, the impacted material that builds up on the colon wall and releases these toxins is flushed out of the body.
The four most popular colon cleansing methods are colonic irrigation (also called colonic hydrotherapy), enemas, psyllium husk supplements and oxygen-based cleansers.
Both colonic irrigation and enemas involve flushing the colon out with warm water. The difference is that a colonic irrigation is meant to cleanse the whole large intestine, while an enema only cleanses the lower portion. Psyllium husk is just non-digestible fiber--like those fiber supplement powders you see in the store. It is taken with large amounts of water and as it moves through the colon it acts like a sponge, scrubbing on its way through. Oxygen-based cleansers are oral supplements that work almost the same way as psyllium, except their oxygen action is supposed to remove more of the impacted material on the colon wall.
Colonic irrigation and enemas, which many find uncomfortable, are best performed outside the home by a licensed professional. Psyllium husk and oxygen-based cleansers can be bought at the store and taken orally.
Cleansing the colon is supposed to improve mood, aid in weight loss, improve the immune system and reduce the risk of colon cancer.
Laxatives are often mentioned as another colon cleansing method. They may clear the colon, but laxatives don't cleanse it and using them excessively can be dangerous. They are not recommended for colon cleansing.