Home Remedy for Heartburn

Over 60 million Americans suffer from heartburn on a regular basis. Taking over-the-counter antacids can sometimes relieve the symptoms, but doesn't address the problem. The problem is usually a high level of stomach acid that backs up into the esophagus. Here are a few tips to help relieve heartburn, and prevent its occurrence.
  1. Reduce Consumption of Acidic Foods

    • Stomach acid increases when a person consumes too much acid-forming food. Try to avoid regular consumption of caffeinated beverages, dairy foods, fried foods, sugar, and processed foods. Milk may seem like a "soothing" type of drink for heartburn, but it is very acidic to your body.

    Increase Consumption of Alkaline Foods

    • Stomach acid decreases when a person consumes food that is non-acidic, or alkaline, in its content. Try eating more foods like raw vegetables and fruits.

    Drink Lots of Water

    • At the first signs of heartburn, drink a big glass of water. Many times this helps because it pushes the stomach acid out of the esophagus and back into the stomach, where it belongs.

    Try Raw Apple Cider Vinegar

    • Instead of reaching for that Tums or Rolaids, try a tablespoon of (preferably organic) raw apple cider vinegar mixed with a glass of water. This can be taken before or during a meal. The acid in the vinegar converts to a base, or an alkaline, and reduces the stomach acid.

    Eat Smaller, More Frequent Meals

    • Eating large quantities of food at one sitting can greatly increase your stomach's acid volume. The more food present to digest, the more acid is needed to break it down. Eat smaller meals throughout the day, or "graze." This will help minimize the production of stomach acid.

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