Natural Thyroid Medicine
When conditions develop in the thyroid, some look for an alternative to conventional pharmaceutical treatment modalities that come with common side effects. Natural thyroid medicines tend to work effectively in treating thyroid conditions, with minimal side effects, and they also cost less than thyroid pharmaceutical drugs.
When the thyroid becomes compromised by a condition or disease, several thyroid problems may emerge. Hyperthyroidism is the condition of an overactive thyroid, while hypothyroidism is is when a thyroid is incapable of acting at normal thyroid levels. Goiter is the enlargement of the thyroid gland, and thyroid nodules are characterized by lumps existing in the thyroid gland. The inflammation of the thyroid is called thyroiditis. Cancer of the thyroid can develop within the thyroid tissue.
Coconut Oil
Coconut oil is a natural treatment for the thyroid gland. Other vegetable oils have long-chain fatty acids that burden the body's cellular processes. Coconut oil, however, is a medium-chain fatty acid oil that has beneficial effects on the thyroid gland's cellular regeneration. It also acts as an aid to the enzymatic functions of the T3 and T4 hormones produced by the thyroid gland.
Iodine occurs naturally in the kelp seaweed. Kelp has a long history of supporting thyroid health, and it has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for thyroid conditions. Kelp harvested for medicinal and food purposes is not contaminated by common toxins found in water bodies. This is available in supplement and food-grade form.
Makandi, or Coleus forskohlii, is an Ayurvedic treatment for thyroid conditions. It has a very important component called forskolin. Forskolin naturally raises the body's levels of cyclic AMP, the carrier that facilitates communication between cells and the glandular production of hormones. Makandi is a natural thyroid medicine that boosts T3 and T4 hormonal secretion and distribution.
Desiccated Thyroid Supplements
Desiccated thyroid supplements provide relief to common thyroid conditions. The concept is if human thyroid were available, that would be more suitable for the replacement like thyroid cells and tissue. Animal thyroid is closest to human thyroid, for cell specialization of thyroidal functions. Take desiccated thyroid supplements only under a health care professional's supervision.
Desiccated thyroid supplements are available in pork or beef, although the more widely available preparations are either pork or a pork-and-beef combination. Pure beef desiccated thyroid supplements are available as desiccated bovine thyroid supplements. Synthetic desiccated thyroid supplements are also available. This is most suitable for those who cannot take the pork or beef forms, either due to allergies, intolerance or religious prohibition.
Natural thyroid medicine also involves avoiding foods that counteract the healing process of thyroidal functions. Do not eat soy, cauliflower, broccoli, turnips, mustard, cabbage and kale. Als,o avoid eating walnuts, refined sugar, wintergreen, and do not smoke.