Anxiety Disorder Herbal Medications
Herbal medications are alternatives to manufactured pharmaceutical medications. Derived of plant stems, roots, bark, leaves, flowers and berries, herbal medications are used to naturally heal wounds and relieve the symptoms of illness. Herbal medications help combat psychological disorders such as anxiety.
Anxiety sufferers often have overwhelming feelings of fear and worry, coupled with nervous feelings that can escalate into feelings of sheer panic. Prescription drugs that treat anxiety can quell the adrenaline rush or 'fight or flight' symptoms of the disorder by blocking certain chemicals in the brain. Herbal medications treat anxiety disorder in the same way, without the synthetic chemicals.
Among the most common types of herbal medications that have been known to counteract the symptoms of anxiety disorder are valerian, Saint John's wort, chamomile and passion flower. Both valerian and chamomile are used to treat anxiety disorders that affect sleep, and are best suited as night time aids. Passion flower and Saint John's wort are both mood stabilizers that relieve nervousness and feelings of restlessness, in addition to alleviating depression symptoms often associated with anxiety. Both the passion flower and Saint John's wort can be taken any time of day.
When choosing herbal remedies, consider that there may be a downside to their use. Just as prescription medications can have side effects, so can herbal medications. For instance, although valerian alleviates anxiety, it may also cause extreme fatigue, dizziness and upset stomach. Passion flower may cause an itchy rash that makes it unsuitable for some users.
Before beginning any herbal medications to treat your anxiety disorder, speak with your doctor first. Because some combinations of herbals and prescription medications can be a hazardous mix, your doctor may wish to change or discontinue your prescribed medications before you partake in an herbal exploration. There is also a possibility that you may have a severe allergic reaction when taking herbal medications; therefore, take one herbal form at a time in order to identify which one is causing an adverse reaction. Herbal remedies are not approved by the FDA, which means that no studies have been done supporting their usefulness or identifying their dangers.